The « journées internationales de linguistique de corpus » (JLC, International Corpus Linguistics conference) bring together researchers from different fields, whether in France or abroad, whose work focuses on written, oral or multimodal linguistic corpora. Initiated by Geoffrey Williams in 2001, this biennial conference was held at the University of Lorient-Bretagne Sud until 2013, in Orléans in 2015, and then in Grenoble in 2017, 2019 and 2023. In 2025, it will take place at the ENS de Lyon, and will be co-organized by the ICAR laboratory and several partner laboratories in Grenoble (LIDILEM, ILCEA4, LIG, Litt&Arts), Lyon (DDL), Montpellier (Praxiling) and Toulouse (CLLE). The JLC conferences aim at fostering a sense of community enriched by the variety of approaches, both from a methodological and disciplinary point of view. With their focus on on corpus linguistics, they endeavor to contribute to the evolution of scientific practices in this field. They also seek to build bridges between different approaches to digital corpora and to encourage exchanges across the various disciplines involved in corpus linguistics. As with each edition, the JLC conference welcomes any linguistic research conducted on written, oral or multimodal corpora, from either a synchronic or diachronic perspective. The talks may:
Address the various levels of linguistic analysis: phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, interactional, multimodal, among others;
Employ qualitative, quantitative (e.g. lexico-/textometry, data mining, (semi-)automatic annotation models, AI, etc.), experimental or didactic approaches;
Explore applied perspectives, particularly in fields such as health, education, translation or terminology.
The JLC 2025 conference will focus more specifically on the analysis of interactions, one of the areas of expertise of the ICAR laboratory, which specializes in the constitution and analysis of oral corpora collected in natural settings. We therefore welcome submissions in the domain of the study of interactions, whether oral or written, with several panels dedicated to this theme. In line with previous editions, the conference will feature three days of scientific presentations, keynote talks, and poster sessions from October 21 to 23, 2025. Training sessions on tools and methodologies will be organized on Tuesday October 21 in the morning, prior to the official start of the conference. Proposals, written in either French or English, must not exceed 3 pages (excluding bibliographical references and figures) . They must be anonymized and submitted via the SciencesConf system for evaluation by two reviewers. In addition to standard talks, submissions for posters and tool demonstrations (accompanied by a one-page summary) are also welcome.